Deaf people use senses of sight and touch as the main tools for spacial awareness and orientation. Besides, the use of sign language has long been contributing to their communication culture. These are the bases of spacial design for this group.

For conversations, the Deaf often have to rearrange the available space to a circular shape so that everyone has decent vision of each other. In daily life, they also need to make use of open spaces between rooms, place mirrors and lights at suitable positions to raise visual awareness of surrounding people and objects.
Therefore, there should be architectural solutions to meet their special spacial needs.
Besides, solutions in terms of devices and apps (Daily Helpers) can also assist the Deaf community’s daily life.

Deaf Space

DeafSpace is a research-based result concerning the mutual relationship between senses and space, which provides fundamental architecture factors relating to space, proximity, light, sound, etc. serving communication needs of Deaf people.

In 2005, architect Hansel Bauman (HBHM Architects) established the DeafSpace Project (DSP) in conjunction with the ASL Deaf Studies Department at Gallaudet University.  Over the next five years, the DSP developed the DeafSpace Guidelines, a catalogue of over one hundred and fifty distinct DeafSpace architectural design elements that address the following five major touch points between deaf experiences and the built environment: Sensory Reach, Space – Proximity, Mobility – Proximity, Light and color, and Acoustics.

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Daily Helpers

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