Barrier Free means a comprehensive access and unrestricted opportunity to use all designed areas of life.

The quality of life and personal satisfaction of the people are decisively influenced by your workplace, your own home, as well as to their immediate living environment. A barrier-free solution allows people with disabilities or even older people to improve their daily life safe and self-determined.

Barrier Free – in your surrounding information communication Barrier-free does not happen automatically on 1 day and does not mean everything to overturn at once, it is a step by step process of future decisions like take barrier-free with you in your thinking during daily life.

Be a part for a world with less barriers it is also worthwhile for you.

Laws & Regulations

The legal framework for barrier-free access in Vietnam includes a mandatory Building Code and voluntary Technical Design Standards. For your easier reference, a checklist outlining mandatory requirements for designing for disabled access to buildings has also been provided.

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