DRD is committed to help PWDs be self-confident, and increase their quality of life in a non-discriminatory environment by raising the awareness of PWDs and the public, increasing capacity for [...]
AEPD is Designed to meet the needs of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), Supporting People with Disabilities are constantly Striving for an inclusive society chứa People with Disabilities are not [...]
DP Hanoi’s mission is to raise awareness and contribute to the protection of PWDs legitimate rights and interests through advocacy, capacity building, fund-raising, access to social services, [...]
Coordinate and promote government policies, programs and resources for people with disabilities. The NCCD includes 22 members representing key government ministries as well as members from the [...]
ACDC (Action to the Community Development Center) is a local NGO with a legal status working to empower communities of people with disabilities and other mariganized groups (poor farmers, ethnic [...]